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Clawgear 6 Inch Light Stick IR

3,50 €
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+372 5 822 896 8


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Mon - Fri 10-19
Sat 10-16
Sun Closed

Infrared lightsticks are working like every other lightsticks, except they emit an IR glow rather than a color in the visible light spectrum. Because of this, they can only be seen with the aid of a night vision device. This is a useful tool for marking trails and locations since these sticks emit a distinct infrared image, easily visible by all generations of night vision equipment.

The 6" lightstick is a portable and cost-efficient source of light. Each lightstick is a pliable plastic tube filled with two non-toxic chemical solutions, one held separate in a floating ampule to prevent activation until required. To activate, simply bend the tube and shake. This breaks the ampule and mixes the chemicals. A bright light is released via chemi-luminescense, a chemical reaction converting energy to light without heat, flame, or sparks. No batteries or bulbs are required. These lightsticks are suitable for a wide range of applications in combat, training and outdoor activity.

Technical features

Weight 20 g


Jaama 12
color: IR available